Happiness thinking fields for AJHP includes, but is not limited to:
Instabilities of Existing Organizational Happiness Mental Health and well being Self-Compassion accelerate happiness Leadership and Employee relationship Silence to Vibrance of Organization Resilience Self-Esteem and Optimism Internet Addiction among Students and employees Subjective Well-Being Attachment to Parents, Organization and Nation Human strengths and environmental resources Happiness of Workers & Non workers Job Benefits of happiness Happiness kills the search for Meaning in life Emotions are the memory blunders of Happiness Habits intensify or dilute Happiness Choices in Task selection at Workplace Alignment in Leader-Employee relationship Public Policies formulation aligned to Citizens Happiness War is a painful tool for National Happiness Perception Conflict: A boon for Organizational Happiness Quality of life in Organization Why Employees don’t promote their own Organization Demand of Child Happiness same as Leader’s Happiness Boss Management |
Mindfulness gives Forgiveness Empathy leads to Altruistic behaviour Determinants or consequences of happiness Individual, Team and Organizational Happiness Effective Team Culture development Quality of life with Employees Happy Teachers: Base for Universal Happiness Smart Happiness and Smart communications Inequality in distribution of happiness International, National, & Personal happiness Peace building initiatives at local levels Peace Building & Conflict resolution Unhappiness links with more Consumption, Happiness is the glue inside human values Sustainable Values, well-being & quality of life Materialistic well-being Encashing Happiness and Peaceful time High Self-esteem and consumption relationship Strategies of healthy life makes it happier Measures of well-being and happiness Government Leaders’ Happiness Happiness in relationships helps to Age well Fight of Leaders In group v/s Out group National Soldier Happiness |