Your time and skill energy gift helps us run Amity Happiness Fest and encourages us to engage in finding and executing various ways to spread and sustain happiness. Happiness Mantra is Universal for Individuals, family, community, Academicians, Corporate Professionals, Social service Volunteers and all organized and unorganized citizens of the Planet Earth. Please Email to the editor-in-chief Prof. Dr. Nitin Arora with your interest in how you wish to support AJHP.
Institutional support
AJHP aims to partner with your institution on Organizational Happiness & Peace research. We would like to know more about your alive and burning issues, unhappy employee and leadership relationship and its influence on Organizational Consciousness.
Do you have an Organizational Happiness division ? If not, please contact the editor of the journal Fix up a meeting / Appointment for discussing the subject matter over a cup of tea and sitting across Happy Table / Happy Laptop.